The Beginners’ Guide to vaping

So you’re ready to enter into the world of vaping, but need to know some information on how it all works. So we decided to prepare Beginners’ Guide to vaping
What components make up my vaping device?
Drip tip
This is where you inhale from.
This takes and keeps the e-liquid inside.
A metal coil surrounded by wicking material, usually cotton. You should change this part anywhere between a few days to a couple of weeks. If you have burnt taste, this is the reason.
Battery / Regulated Mod
This contains the electronics and battery needed to heat your coil. (mAh) or milliamper per hour is the battery capacity. Watts (W) or Volts (V) are symbols of power output of this mod.
Devices meant for high nicotine and + ohm vaping. They are becoming veery popular with smokers to try and quit the habit. There are open and closed pod systems, open means you fill it yourself with Salt Nic (strong eliquid), closed is a profiled system.
Mod & Tank
Numerous different designs of mods and tanks exist. These are the most effective way to vape with increased battery life and power. Designed for both low and high VG e-liquids.
RDAs, RDTAs and Mechanical Mods
For the more advanced vaper there are also Rebuildable Dripping Atomisers (RDA), Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomisers (RDTA) and Mechanical Mods (Mech mods).
RDAs are not tanks and don’t hold e-liquid other than what is held in the cotton and the small well at the bottom of the unit. These work by simply dripping your e-liquid onto the coil and then firing the device, hence the name ‘Dripper’.
RDTAs are similar to RDAs but are actually tanks that are designed to hold e-liquid. Instead of using pre-made factory coils, the user can build them to their own preference and resistance, then wick with cotton.
Mech Mods require no circuitry and use a firing pin that allows for the current in the battery to reach the attached atomiser directly
Mouth to Lung (MTL)
This is achieved by using less airflow on the atomiser and drawing the vapour into your mouth with your cheeks before inhaling into your lungs, replicating the effect of smoking.
Lung Inhale (DTL)
Lung inhale uses more airflow, therefore using your lungs to draw the vapour whilst inhaling directly into the lungs.
What is in e-liquid?
E-liquid uses base ingredients which typically consist of PG (Propylene Glycol) and VG (Vegetable Glycerin). PG and VG are combined with natural or artificial flavours in any flavour combinations you can think of, which means you’ll be sure to find something you can use as an all-day-vape. Our e-liquids have a variety of PG / VG ratios from your standard 50% PG / 50% VG as well as higher VG blends.
What is PG or Propylene Glycol?
Propylene Glycol is a flavouring carrier in food products. It is also an ingredient in food colouring. PG provides the throat hit sensation and is thinner in consistency than Vegetable Glycerine. Propylene Glycol is non toxic.
What is VG or Vegetable Glycerine?
Vegetable Glycerine is a sweet, vegetable based liquid. VG provides the vapour production which simulates smoke and is thicker than Propylene Glycol. Vegetable Glycerine is non toxic and the more VG in an e-liquid, the smoother it will be to vape.
What is sub-ohming?
Sub-ohming is vaping on a device where the atomiser coil has a resistance of less than 1.0 ohm. This is f or creating more vapour and flavour from the e-liquid.
When vaping using sub-ohm coils a substantial amount of vapour is produced compared to using coils above 1ohm on the same device. Sub-ohm vapers take lung hits meaning they inhale straight to their lungs, increasing the vapour they can inhale each puff.
Those who vape sub-ohm usually favour e-liquid with a higher percentage of vegetable glycerine than propylene glycol. The reason for this is that the vegetable glycerine creates larger clouds and denser vapour production. Because of the additional output and vapour produced and inhaled on each pull, it is the norm to use lower nicotine.
If there are still question that does not in this Beginners’ Guide to vaping, please feel free to contact Vape Monkey Mexico with any further questions at
As a Beginner,read other important blogs that might help you with your doubts in Blogs Page